Monday, February 25, 2013

Improve Our G+ Experience

   G+ is pretty good, but there are some real problems that need to be addressed.

   1 - Stream Issues
   There are several problems with streams, some I have encountered, some I have gleaned from other posts. The biggest is the algorithm that places activity above time. Say I have a couple in my circles and they share the site for posts; one posts lengthy, but interesting observations about his life, the other posts cute animal photos. The cute photos generate lots of activity, but the texts from the other don't. I want to see the text posts, but they are buried below by a bunch of photos I have less interest in, even though the texts post in the evening and the photos in the morning. Don't make the posts go out of time sequence. Give us at least an option to reorder the posts in chronological order. After all, the posts are directed at us, the people, not a computer algorithm. Besides, who asked for activity on a post to determine where it is placed? Lots of stupid posts have greater activity than worthwhile posts.
   Another issue is the size of those posts. If you have an active stream, be it in your home or a community, you have to page down and down and down to see earlier posts because they are so huge and take up a lot of space. These need to be reduced in size and given an option to enlarge so that more posts can fit on a page. This would be especially helpful to mobile users because it seems some folk are just giving up swimming downstream because of this size problem.
   We need a bookmark, like one you leave in a book you are reading. Not because it is a reference point, but because that is where you left off reading. If you have to stop reading, especially on an active stream, it would be great to be able to jump back in where you left off, so you can catch up. This would also mean that you have to be able to override or opt out of the algorithm and put your posts in chronological order, but I already want that.
   Gmail has better functions to order and access and compress your info on the screen. That is where Google started. Get some of those Gmail people working with the G+ers and make this easier to work with.

   2 - Communities
   The first fix for Communities needs to be the ability to organize them. Right now, they appear, in threes, in the order of the most recently visited in the top left, the second most recent to the right of that, so that if you belonged to nine communities it might look something like this:

1   2   3
4   5   6
7   8   9

We need to be able to organize them alphabetically and chronologically as well as previously visited. Alphabetically is fairly straight forward (if "The" is the first word it would be under "T"), but chronologically should be a way to arrange them by most recent or oldest activity.
   Speaking of activity, we also need to expand on the notifications on the Communities page. Currently, we get a small red box with a number on the corner of a community that has new posts, comments or +1s. I belong to some communities that post a lot of photos and much of the activity consists of comments but mostly +1s for these photos. Some of these have the most recent post being two weeks ago, but lots of "other" activity. We need to have these broken down into three numbers on each community (or at least two), a red box for new posts only, a blue box for comments only and a green box for +1s only (or a blue box for comments and +1s combined). It is very disappointing to open a community only to discover that all of the action is comments and +1s (which are worse because those are undated). I would  prefer to first view when new posts are up and skip the comments and (especially) the +1s until I am caught up with the posts.
   Another Community addition involves the moderators. Currently, moderators can dump someone from a community without notification. I found myself kicked out of one and still can't figure out what I did wrong (not going to try to find out either, not worth it). Moderators should certainly be able to expel when they feel it is appropriate, but there needs to be a formal "form" notification that says why it happened. This would help keep moderators from being arbitrary in enforcement, but also give the banned a chance to explain and plead their case or at least understand what they were caught doing.

   3 - Find People
   A simple solution. Put the toolbar in this order: Your Circles, Added You, Find People and rename the whole section People. Maybe the empty or small amount in their circles will encourage greater involvement by newbies or the shy, but certainly would allow the more active to easily access the parts they are more likely to need. After all, there is a daily limit on how many one can add in a day and a total in circles limit as well. How useful is it to have a section that can't be used for the day or at all appearing first?

   4 - Profile
   Add blank areas for the person to fill in as they choose. After the Tagline, Introduction and Bragging rights, every category is multiple choice or fill in the specific space. Not much for someone to be creative with or allow further details that don't fit into the stated lines. Also, allow these "blanks" to have adjustable visibility just as the others do, including customization. Remember, sometimes "square" peg things that people enjoy doing or how they earn a living can't be squeezed into the usual  "round" hole definitions (no allusions to FB vs. G+ intended).

   This sums up for the areas where I see a need for improvement that could benefit users, giving them more control and freedom, reigning in possible excesses and making for a more streamlined experience when visiting.


  1. All wonderful explanations of worthy changes needing to be made.

    My hope is, Google will act on each of them sooner than later.

  2. Mobile app issues: Comments not sorted in any useful way (oldest down to newest), should be reversed). Needs a tree structure so you can comment on a comment. Also needs clicks for adding links, pictures, etc, for the comment. That's my 2 rupees.
